_ _ ________________ ___________ ___ _ _ \aNZaNZaNZaNZaN\ |ZaNZaNZa_/ \___NZaNZaNZaNZ\|aNZaNZaN| _ _ _________ |ZaNZaNZaNZaNZ|aNZaNZaN| \_ \ |ZaNZaNZaNZ_a_N________|___________ __ _ / \ |ZaNZaNZaNZaNZaN\ ) / \ |ZaNZaNZaNZaNZaNZ) / / __ \|aNZaNZaNZaNZaNZ/_________ / / \/ \aNZaNZaNZaNZaNZaNZaN/ / _ _ ___/ / \ZaNZaNZaNZaNZaNZaN/ / _/_ / /|\ \ZaNZaNZaNZaNZaNZ/ ____/_________ _ _ _ _ __\_ / / | \ \aNZaNZaNZaNZaN/ / \ /___/ | \___\a|NZaNZaNZaN/ /H/P/A\C\V\ ( \ \ | /ZaNZ|\aNZaNZaN(____________________\___ _ \______ \ | /_____| \________________\ (===========[ANZ]=\ | /=========] #o2 [================[ANZ]===========) \|/ ..AnarchyNewZealand.. | ..issue number hash Oh twO.. | ..[08/01/99].. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMM MMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMM MMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMM MMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMM MMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMM MMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMM MMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMM M MMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMM M MMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM M MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM M MMMMMMM View MMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMM At MMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMMM Your MMMMMMMMMM MM M MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM MM M MMMMMMMMM Own MMMMMMMMMM M M M M M MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM M M M M M MMMMMMMMMM Risk MMMM MMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMM MM MMMM MMMMM MMMMMMMMM MMMMM MM !! 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If you attempt to try any Of this and get busted, it's your own damn fault and you've gotta save your own ass. !~IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SAVE YOURSELF~! Visit the Website! http://surf.to/AnarchyNZ !#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#! $ $ # Anarchy New Zealand # # Issue #o2 # # August 1999 # # h/p/v/a/c/ # $ $ !#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#! . . .n . . n. . .dP dP 9b 9b. . 4 qXb . dX Xb . dXp t dX. 9Xb .dXb __ __ dXb. dXP .Xb 9XXb._ _.dXXXXb dXXXXbo. .odXXXXb dXXXXb._ _.dXXP 9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXOo. .oOXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXP `9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'~ ~`OOO8b d8OOO'~ ~`XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXP' `9XXXXXXXXXXXP' `9XX' DIE `98v8P' HUMAN `XXP' `9XXXXXXXXXXXP' ~~~~~~~ 9X. .db|db. .XP ~~~~~~~ )b. .dbo.dP'`v'`9b.odb. .dX( ,dXXXXXXXXXXXb dXXXXXXXXXXXb. dXXXXXXXXXXXP' . `9XXXXXXXXXXXb dXXXXXXXXXXXXb d|b dXXXXXXXXXXXXb 9XXb' `XXXXXb.dX|Xb.dXXXXX' `dXXP `' 9XXXXXX( )XXXXXXP `' XXXX X.`v'.X XXXX XP^X'`b d'`X^XX X. 9 ` ' P )X `b ` ' d' ` ' ... c o n t e n t s ... o1 - ..number two going strong............................eXult666 o2 - ..Ring|Tip...........................................GoTHiC9 o3 - ..BBS vs Internet....................................eXult666 o4 - ..ftp sites, login's & pw's..........................eXult666 o5 - ..Monthly Fill of Bullshit..........................._jeezus_ o6 - ..Secrets of the Telephone Network Interface.........GoTHiC9 o7 - ..fone clicks........................................eXult666 o8 - ..the fine art of stealing credit card numbers.......madd0g/eXult666 o9 - ..website haQ'n......................................eXult666 1o - ..Bombs, bombs and more bombs........................_jeezus_ 11 - ..boards that rock...................................eXult666 12 - ..gigantic list of credit card numbers...............madd0g 13 - ..joining the ANZ team..............................._jeezus_ 14 - ..greetz.............................................whole crew 15 - ..what to look foward to.............................eXult666 16 - ..last wOrdz........................................._jeezus_ 17 - ..ASCii.............................................."Unknown" )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #o1: Issue Number Two Going Strong Written By: eXult666 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( Welcome to issue two of AnarchyNewZealand. We now have a channel on Efnet of IRC. The room is #ANZ, drop by whenever to bitch or talk about whatever. The site is still going strong also at http://surf.tO/AnarchyNZ. We have recruited some new memberz, listed in the greetz section. Check out www.kevinmitnick.com to help out in freeing Kevin Mitnik. If anybody wants to organize a Con for New Zealand then contact us and we'll get that underway. 2600 meeting: Auckland, New Zealand, October 1 5:00pm-8:00pm at BK Queen St. 2600 Meetings exist as a forum for all interested in technology to meet and talk about events in technology-land, learn, and teach. Meetings are open to anyone of any age or level of expertise. Issue #o1 of ANZ was released o4/o7/99 [independance day] and I forgot to date it. The article on budgeting was scrapped for reasons that we cannot discuss. )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #o2: Ring|Tip Written By: GoTHiC9 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( The two main wires for your evil deeds are the ring and tip (red and green might be replaced w/black)so dont panic, as I did. heh.In the basic 4 wire phone cord, there are ring and tip. The others...I dont know what the hell they do. Ring and Tip allow the data to be transferred to one place to another. The linemens headset alows no difference in ring and tip so you may connect the ring to tip if you mess up (notice, the connection will sound staticy) so if your generating greenbox tones do it ummm...Rite!!! Green box def: in section 5). There are, in california, a few objects that hold Ring|tip. These are: Splitters:silver,rectangular boxes useally by apartments stand about 4 to 5 feet tall and are about3 to 4 feet wide. Next: Greenbases: (most popular) Beiged from one my 1st time. Well, they're umm green and umm tall, from 2 to 4 feet tall.(notice: they might have a diffrent color if theyre by an apartment colored, say white).ok and then theres: Cans: Hmmm, they are a cylinder and theyre about, 35 feet tell, haha this is because there way the hell up on a telephone pole. Hmmm ever see the movie : The Substitute? well I saw like a lil bit of it and theres a part where, the undercover police "tap" the schools linez. They go under as a linemen, and they open this thing that has Ring|tip but I have no idea what its called. And the last: The ManHole: Okay one more movie (sorry) Ever see the movie: Sneakers? (that movie is the Bomb) Well the guy named "mother" goes down a ManHole. Ther is a "switch board" w/ ring|tip. hehe (HISTORY time...when I read about manholes I waz lookin all around for em' lol and when I found 1 I went @ 3:00am, to it and got in, but it waz flooded so i never went all the way in) heh. Next i will show you how to access a greenbase. ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ ^^** NOW HOW TO HOOK IT UP ^^** ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ The |---| is the ring.and, The *_+_* is the tip. And the, ----------- ect. is the wire (in this case its the ring wire) And the, +++++++++++ ect. is the other(in this case its the ring wire) Take the alligator clamps that are connected to jor beige box, to the stripped ring and tip wires (this will only work if you use the same pair of ring and tip). But you already knew that. so you strip the --------- and the +++++++++ and then you atach the ring clamp of your beige box to the --------- wire, and the tip clamp to the +++++++++ wire. )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #o3: BBS vs Internet Written By: eXult666 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( BBS vs the Internet. This article iz about the pro's and con's of the two. If you disagree with some of the thingz said, go fuck yerself. This is my opinion. Fact: BBS's have been around far longer than the internet as we know it. Therefore they have a further background and are more interesting to research and probably have better software for them. Fact: BBS's can resume file transfers without the need of extra software. ie: GetRight. Fact: BBS's have a more local feel and a better user interface. They are easier to find your way around in. Fact: BBS's go faster than the internet. Probably because the internet is too crowded. Where as in a BBS you just type "F" to get to the filez and your there immediately, with the internet you click on the filez icon and it takez about 10-30 secs to get there on a 56K modem. Fact: The internet has better graphix than BBS's. But do you judge a book by itz cover? The only reason the internet has better graphix than a BBS iz because it allows itself a lot longer to load. If BBS's had the same graphix it would be pretty stink because it would be slow and sluggish. Fact: BBS's have more friendly message base systems. Itz easier to post/reply/read messagez on a BBS than the internet, with the faster speed and easier access. Fact: Itz easier to find things on BBS's than it is on the internet. This iz because BBS's are smaller than the internet and therefore you dont have to sort your way through as much bull shit to get what your looking for. Fact: The internet contains a LOT more filez than BBS's. This is because the internet is not just 1-4 computers, itz over a million computers, all linked together, causing a mass slowdown. Fact: Most BBS's are free where as the internet costs money. Fact: There are very few BBS's around any more. This is because the internet has taken it all over. Fact: BBS's dont require the "latest" computer to login/run. The internet needs a decently fast computer to login. Fact: There is a lot more abuse towards the internet then there is in BBS's. This is because the internet is a social wasteland. A LOT more abuse flys around the internet (banning ppl from IRC channels, etc). Fact: BBS's are a lot more stable than the internet. This is because the internet is barely holding itself together with a tangled web of wires messily connecting the whole thing together. Fact: The Y2K bug will affect both BBS's and the internet. Most BBS softwares aren't Y2K complient. Neither are some internet servers. Thats my opinion. ************************************************************************************ ,. '\'\ ,---. Quiet, Pinky; I'm reading ANZ! | \\ l\\l_ // | Err ... right, _ _ | \\/ `/ `.| | Brain! Narf! /~\\ \ //~\ | Y | | || Y | | \\ \ // | | \| | |\ / | / [ || || ] \ | o|o | > / / ] Y || || Y [ \___\_--_ /_/__/ | \_|l,------.l|_/ | /.-\(____) /--.\ | >' `< | `--(______)----' \ (/~`--____--'~\) / U// U / \ `-_>-__________-<_-' / \ / /| /(_#(__)#_)\ ( .) / / ] \___/__\___/ `.`' / [ /__`--'__\ |`-' | /\(__,>-~~ __) | |__ /\//\\( `--~~ ) _l |--:. "Pinky And '\/ <^\ /^> | ` ( < \\ The Brain" _\ >-__-< /_ ,-\ ,-~~->. \ `:.___,/ (___\ /___) (____/ (____) `---' -Sean Gugler ************************************************************************************ )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #o4: ftp sites, login's & pw's Written By: eXult666 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( Herez some ftp's you might wanna check out. site (ftp://) port login pass ======================================================= 101 warez txorg 21 warez warez 81 look look 21 leech leech321 duhast.nac.net 666 warez warez 21 incoming incoming 666 warez warez efftepe.sko.juniks.org /pub/ ftp.nss.nu 3050 warez warez 666 leech leech 22 /incoming/hmm/.tmp/.null/.TerMinaT/ /upload 1702 cdr efnet 21 cablewarez warez 21 leech 950 21 cablewarez warez 25 warez warez 21 shd shd no port? use 21. no login & pw? login anonymous. )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #o5: Monthly Fill of Bullshit Written By: _jeezus_ )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( Damn, it's already that time for your next sip of bullshit. Where do the days go? But, anyway. first we'll look at some quotes I've gathered overtime just for your enjoyment and pleasure. If you have any quotes you'd like to donate to us please e-mail them to me. I'm also looking for got pictures of sick shit, and send me some porn of your bitch while you're at it, eh? Enough of that shit, let's get to the good stuff! -=- Oooh Aaah -=- - "How'd you do that?" -LilMan - "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." -aero` - "I'm laughing at you." -Highvoltz - "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -Bertrand Russell - "Better to die a thousand deaths than wound my honor." -Joseph Addison - "If it’s natural to kill why do men have to go into training to learn how?" -Joan Baez - "All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific." -Jane Wagner - "There's an old story about the person who wished his computer were as easy to use as his telephone. That wish has come true, since I no longer know how to use my telephone." -Stroustrup - "I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way." -Robert Frost - "We've got the best government money can buy." -Unknown (comment below-1) - "Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right." -Woody Allen - "What the American public doesn't know is exactly what makes them the American public." -Dan Akroyd in _Tommy Boy_ - "I think you should defend to the death their right to march, and then go down and meet them with baseball bats." -Woody Allen - "Have you ever wondered if taxation without representation was cheaper?" -Unknown - "People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use." -Kierkegaard - "Politicians should read science-fiction, not westerns and detective stories." -Arthur C. Clark - "Pro is to con as progress is to congress." -Unknown (comment below-2) - "IRS: They've got what it takes, to take what you've got!" -Skinny - "Have any of you guys ever been caught?" -GreggeryP - "People that hate cats, will come back as mice in their next life." - Faith Resnick + -=- Comment 1 - I don't know who said that, but if it was me, I'd admit to it! :-) + -=- Comment 2 - I'd stick up for this too! Why are all the best ones not spoken for?! -==- Inspirational Shit -==- - "The constitution gives every American the inalienable right to make a damn fool of himself." -John Ciardi - "When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced... Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." -Cherokee Saying - "Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive." -Elbert Hubbard -==- End Of Quotes -==- Well, that was beautiful man, I always love a few quotes to brighten my day. Now, what else makes you feel all fuzzy inside? A few good dirty jokes? Gotcha covered bro. If you're under the age of immortality, please skip down to the next article.. we wouldn't want to affend anybody now would we? bwahaha !@%#! -==- Dirty Jokes Part-1 -==- Q: What does a woman and a condom have in common? A: They both spend more time in your wallet than on your dick. (comment below-1) Q: What did one Lesbian Frog say to the other Lesbian Frog? A: Wow! You really do taste like chicken. -Jeremy and Kris are walking down the street and they see a dog licking himself. Jeremy says, 'Man, I wish I could do that!'Kris replied, 'I think you'd have to pet him first.' + -=- Comment 1 - That's only if you're not a pimp daddy like _jeezus_. :-) -==- Dirty Jokes Part-2 -==- -There's this guy Leroy, and he wakes up in the morning and he just can't help thinking, " Damn... I feels GOOD!" Without even a glance in the mirror he goes out. He's walking down the street and sees a friend from work. He stops Leroy and says "Damn Leroy, you look horrible. You should go home." Leroy, utterly confused, responds: "But I feels so GOOD." He keeps on and sees an aunt of his and his aunt swears he should go to the doctor. Thinking on this he wonders if there might be something strange that makes you feel "Oh So GOOD" but makes you look "Oh so BAD." Leroy arrives at the doctors, and he checks everything. I mean the poor guy doesn't have a thing wrong with him. But the doctor agrees; Leroy's looking really damn UGLY. The doctor sits for a while, "Hmmm... looks bad, feels good. Hmm...Leroy." the doctor says, "I've got it!" Leroy starts jumping up and down... "What is it doc? Why do I feels so good but looks so bad?" The doctor exclaims "It's obvious! Looks Bad, feels GOOD... Leroy you're a VAGINA." -A travelling salesman was about to check in at a hotel when he noticed a very charming bit of femininity giving him the so-called eye. In a causal manner he walked over and spoke to her as though he had known her all his life. Both walked back to the desk and registered as Mr. and Mrs. After a three-day stay he walked up to the desk and informed the clerk that he was checking out. The clerk presented him with his bill for $1600. "There is a mistake here," he protested. "I have been here only three days." "Yes," replied the clerk, "But your wife has been here a month." -Two brothers enlisting in the Army were getting their physicals. During the inspection, the doctor was surprised to discover that both of them possessed incredibly long, oversized penises. "How do you account for this?" he asked the brothers. "It's hereditary, sir," the older one replied. "I see," said the doctor, writing in his file. "Your father's the reason for your elongated penises?" "No sir, our mother." "Your mother? You idiot, women don't have penises!" "I know, sir," replied the recruit, "But she only had one arm, and when it came to getting us out of the bathtub, she had to manage as best she could." -A boy and his date were parked on a back road some distance from town, doing what boys and girls do on back roads some distance from town, when the girl stopped the boy. "I really should have mentioned this earlier, but I'm actually a hooker and I charge $20 for sex." The boy reluctantly paid her, and they did their thing. After a cigarette, the boy just sat in the driver's seat looking out the window. "Why aren't we going anywhere?" asked the girl. "Well, I should have mentioned this before, but I'm actually a taxi driver, and the fare back to town is $25." -Two gentlemen were discussing the prospects of "looming" retirement. While one guy had lots of hobbies, the other fellow had no hobbies, and was rather concerned about being set loose with nothing to do. The first guy suggested his friend go visit his kids. The man said, "Well, I only have two kids, but I could buy a motor home and go visit my brothers and sisters, that would take about a year." The first guy looked a bit puzzled, so his friend said, "I'm one of eighteen kids in my family." The first fellow's eyes got rather large, contemplating eighteen children, so the man volunteered to explain. "The problem was, my mother was hard of hearing." With a big grin he added, "My mom and dad would go to bed at night, and my dad would ask, 'Do you want to go to sleep, or what?' and my mom would say, 'What?'" -==- End Of Dirty Jokes -==- Well that should last you for another month. You've just had your dosage of bullshit for August 1999. How's it feel? Do you feel refreshed and energized? Damn right! You should, unless you went out and got dirty drunk last night. HEH. So, I'll see you all around the web and have a great month. ************************************************************************************ \ +--^----------,--------,-----,--------^-, | ||||||||| `--------' | O \ `+---------------------------^----------| `\_,---------,---------,--------------' \ / XXXXXX /'| /' ***************************************** / XXXXXX / `\ /' *Step the fuck back from my ANZ! BIOTCH!* / XXXXXX /`-------' ***************************************** / XXXXXX / / XXXXXX / (________( `------' Steven Paul Adams ************************************************************************************ )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #o6: Secrets of the Telephone Network Interface Written By: GoTHiC9 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( Ok,where there is a series of telephones there will be a telefone network interface. A Sorry attempt to keep all the wires in order. Depending on the size of the interface, you should see pairs of ring and tip all over the place(depending on who did it)...dont panic at the mess, look at the |red|green| or |red|black| wires. Thats what u want. Just as i tried to explain in the last article. Ok,ok start over...heh. What you will need to use a Telefone Network Interface, ahem, A beige box...yup thats IT. Not even a Brain. A telefone network interface may be as big as 4feet wide by 3feet tall or as small as 5inches by 5 inches. It may be mounted on an outside/inside wall or posted on the buildings "lawn". With large buildings, the TNI is usually inside. Although, Small homes DO have TNI, they are never inside. They are usually on the side of the home that the telephone pole wires come in to. If the wires are underground then your out of luck. To solve this problem, just look around the whole house. The TNI should be mounted on the outside wall. About 3 feet high. Now, some TNI have certain "clips" that are a pain to figure out in the dark. But it is possible. Heh. Other TNIs have snap open covers, these are usually for small houses ,and others have annoying padlocks. To solve this problem walk around and find a BIG ROCK. Then look around (to see if anyone is watching you), if there is some1, take the rock and throw it at em' a hard as you can. Then, quickly find another rock or retrieve the previous one, and use it to open the TNI. Now, you have the TNI open. Hmmm, most of the telefone network interfaces are assembled with haste, thus they are not organized. Sometimes the phone #s have been written on the pairs of ring|tip, sometimes not. If the #s are not written down, call ANI. (Automatic Number Identification) If you dont know the ANI for your area, Im sorry. I will copy some ANI #s for certain areas. I dont know of anyway to get an ANI # other thansocial engineering your way past some MA Bell offices. other #s to use while in a TNI are "ring back" and "ANAC". Ok, im not going to explain HOW to hook up ring|tip because I have already---"The_NewAge_Phreak vol.#1 The Basics of Ring|Tip" And this was supposed to be short? ************************************************************************************ / \ \ |\_/| You want my ANZ? |---| Are you fucking wack?! | | | | _ |=-=| _ _ / \| |/ \ / \| | | ||\ | | | | | \> | | | | | \ | - - - - |) ) | / \ / \ / \ / \ / | | ************************************************************************************ )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #o7: fone clicks Written By: eXult666 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( well, some of you may not know this, but you can make phone calls with your phone simply by pressing the hang up button up and down repetively very quickly to make phone calls. Its phlash to show your mates when they come round. Simply press the hang up button up and down real REAL fast with this number guide: =================================================== |NUMBER YOU WANT TO DIAL | NUMBER OF CLICKS | |=================================================| | 0 | 10 | | 1 | 9 | | 2 | 8 | | 3 | 7 | | 4 | 6 | | 5 | 5 | | 6 | 4 | | 7 | 3 | | 8 | 2 | | 9 | 1 | =================================================== Im not too sure about * and # tho. You could try this on various payphones. (I think it will work on a 20c/min pay phone that'll ring but wont let you have a mic until u insert money, but not the telecom Coin/Card phones) ************************************************************************************ I'm gonna be a leet hax0r one day! __________ / ____ |_|__|__|__|____ ___ee((|))) |||||| <____> (____ ||||\ |||||| O / | | |||||| OOOOOOwwwW / _| | |||||| |::::::. \~~~' \||/ |:::::::: / ,--~~,--~~|::|: -Dylan Parker ||::::'''') |::::|:::::|::|:.. ||:::____-~ / \::::\::::|~~|:::: ||CUUU| | ':::::::| |:::: |||_| |_|______ / :::::::Cuuu:::: /\/\/\/\||`------------' __ ___||_|| / `==`==-----' You won't be anything unless you read your ANZ! ************************************************************************************ )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #o8: The Fine art of Stealing Credit Card Numbers Written By: madd0g & eXult666 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( This is pretty much a form of Social Engineering (a fine art) but it does the trick. Remember this is for informational purposes only and if you DO try it and get caught its not my fault. Here I will give you several different ideas on what to say and how to say it. There will be a Social Engineering article coming out next month by eXult666. * The Kosovo Story. * You: RING RING RING RING Him: Hello? You: Good Morning/Afternoon. My name is . I'm from the Kosovo mission to help the Kosovo refugees. For just $15 you can help the refugees go back home and restore their destroyed city. Just think about if you were a refugee in a strange land with a strange language and culture, with no money to return home. Would you like to make a donation? Him: Uhh, ok. How do I pay? You: You can either send us a cheque for the $15, or more, or you can pay now by credit card and it wont be charged to you until your bill comes. Credit card is how most people pay. Him: Uhh, ok. I'll pay buy credit card. You: Thanks a lot. Can I just take down your card details. The number please? Him: 4999 5204 8335 7814. You: And the expiry date please. Him: 02/00. You: Thank you. Your donation is greatly appreciated. Him: Ok. Bye. You: Bye bye... * The Congratulations You've Won $5000 Story. * You: RING RING RING RING Him: Hello? You: Hi my name's and im from The Credit Card Prizes association and I'm pleased to say you have JUST WON $5000 ON YOUR CREDIT CARD!! How do you feel? Him: Wow! Haahaha! You: The last step is for you to give me your credit card details just for verification. Him: Hahah! Sure! You: Can I have the number please? Him: 4999 5204 8335 7814 You: And the expiry date? Him: 02/00 You: I'm sorry thats not the number I'm looking for. Sorry, your not a winner. Good bye. Him: Aww man. Bye. You: * The SPCA Story * You: RING RING RING RING Him: Hello? You: Good Morning/Afternoon. My name is . I'm from the SPCA and I'm one of the volunteers. For just $15 you can help the abandoned animals find homes. Just think if you were a poor helpless animal and you were in a place where they put you down after a week. Your wish would come true if you find a place to live. Him: Uhh, ok. How do I pay? You: You can either send us a cheque for the $15, or more, or you can pay now by credit card and it wont be charged to you until your bill comes. Credit card is how most people pay. Him: Uhh, ok. I'll pay buy credit card. You: Thanks a lot. Can I just take down your card details. The number please? Him: 4999 5204 8335 7814. You: And the expiry date please. Him: 02/00. You: Thank you. Your donation is greatly appreciated. Him: Ok. Bye. You: Bye bye... By now you should be getting a good idea of what to say and do to get credit card numbers. Here's the New Zealand numbers to make credit card calls: Credit Call: 0800 180 181 Just press 1, then enter the number, then enter the expiry date like 0299. Then you can make a call anywhere in the world and it will cost you nothing. )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #o9: website haQ'n Written By: eXult666 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( *****BASIC*BASIC*BASIC***** so u wanna learn how to haQ a website huh? well 1st, learn sum basic UNiX commands: cp = copy mv = move ls = dir rm = del cd = cd help = duh? from the UNiX prompt, type "who" to see who iz online. to get info on a user thatz on, type "finger ". if your in a UNiX system, type "cat /etc/passwd" and it will display the userlist. it will apear sumfing like: root:mahdnud:0:0:root dir:/: bob:poalhfm:1:1:Bob Bloggs:/bin:/bin/bob guest::1:2:Guest Guest:/bin:/bin/guest jim:ajkldad:1:3:Jim Joel:/bin:/bin/jim root iz: root: login name 0: user group number 0: user number. root dir: name of user /: root dir "guest" with the 2 :'s after his name means that this account duz not need a passwd. once ur there and have the pw'z, then u need to crack them. use a pw cracker like cracker jack or brute force. you can ftp (anomynousely) or telnet to a site and find a unix prompt. try sum defaultz like: l: root p: root or guest, guest, or sumfing until u get in. then just do the above. or u can get the pw without logging into the system. http://xxxxxxx.xxx.xxx/cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0a/bin/cat%20/etc/passwd where xxxxxxx.xxx.xxx iz the address. That doesn't work 95% of the time tho :( So instead telnet or ftp anomynouse to the site and leech it. It wont be that hard to find. once you have the pw file then crack it. once you have your new account thatz not really urs, then u can fuck around with the website. itz that easy. )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #1o: Bombs, bombs, and more bombs Written By: _jeezus_ )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( This article will discuss all you need and will want to know about bombs and other tools for mass destruction of whichever type you choose. I'll be showing you how to make various different kinds of bombs, telling you what they're used for, and how much damaged will most likely be caused. !!! !**! Now thi section is very dangerous and please if you're not sure of what to do or !**! of what you're doing PLEASE ask somebody. The lastt we want is for anybody to die of stupidy. So please exercise EXTREME caution while using ANY explosives that may !**! cause bodily harm to yourself and anybody else around you. Thank you for your help. !**! !!! **-Fertilizer Bombs- -Ingredients: -Newspaper -Fertilizer (Chemical kind only, ie. Green Thumb, ORCHO) -Diesel Fuel -Cotton -Method- Make a pouch out of the newspaper. Put in a layer of fertilizer, then a layer of cotton on the top. Soak the cotton with the diesel fuel. When you're ready, light and haul major assage. -Damage- This will blow in the range of 500 square ft. So please try to stay away from comfined areas unless you're trying to blow some shit up. -Use- This is good for just about anything. Not really a C4 type explosive, but will cause a scene no matter what you're trying to do. **-Calcium Carbide Bombs- -Ingredients: -A few pieces calcium carbide (used in carbide lamps found at any hardware store) -Method- Put a few pieces in a glass jar with some water. Put a lid on tightly. The carbide will react with the water to produce acetylene carbonate which is similar to the gas used in cutting torches. Eventually the glass with explode from internal pressure. -Damage- When the jar explodes it's gonna fling glass everywhere, so be sure to either hide behind something thick or be somewhere besides there.If you leave a burning rag nearby, you will get a nice fireball. -Use- Refer to -Damage-. **-CO2 Bombs- -Ingredients: -Used CO2 Cartridge (used in air rifles) -Nail -Black powder -Small waterproof fuse. (firecracker fuses will work) -Method- Make sure the cartridge is used. It should have a small hole on the end with the neck. Insert the nail and make the hole big enough to where so can put in black powder and the fuse. Pack in some black powder (you may want to *TAP* the cartridge *LIGHTLY* on a hard surface to get the powder in nice and tight). Then light and haul ass. -Damage- This will thow metal shrapnel in all directions and can make one of the loudest noises I've ever heard. It will make a nice ring of destruction when done. -Use- A good use for this is a distraction being that it makes a VERY loud noise when it blows. But also it's a very nice bomb to maybe blow a lock or something of the type. And the shrapnel cuts things very well. (crowd control :-) **-Generic Bombs- -Ingredients: -Glass Jar with cap -Gasoline -Potassium permanganate (obtained from a snakebite kit) -Method- Put a small ammount of gas in the jar. Cap the top and coat the inside with the gas by moving and turning the jar. Let the gas evaporate. Add a few drops of potassium permanganate and re-cap the lid. To use this bomb throw it against a solid object and haul more ass. -Damage- This sucker will pretty much fuck anything it comes in contact with. It packs around a 1/2 stick of dynamite. So don't stay around to watch the devastation. It also throws glass shrapnel everywhere so again, don't stay to enjoy. -Use- This is good for just about anything. The glass will cut through whatever and the explosion will do even more damage. Be already running the other way when you throw this. That should b enough fun and excitement for this issue of Anarchy New Zealand. But every issue will have this article in it with more and more bombs and fun stuff to create devastation right at home. )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #11: Good BBS's Written By: eXult666 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( Heres some really cool bbs's that you should call. Name system no. sysop affils ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City By Night ma 649-579-3082 Caffein Hit - Dark Night pb 649-372-7213 Serishema AiD Gaulish Village rg 649-810-8955 Virgil CCi 649-810-8956 Virgil CCi Phlash! BBS iq 649-2-EREET! eXult666 ANZ/EUA PSYCH0DALiC PAiN ra 649-WAREZ-4U madd0g ANZ vANISH!bBs ra 649-576-4354 dAZ/dA bOMB DMA I'd tell you the number to my bbs, but then every lamer and his dog would be there. theres a limit of 30 users to that bbs as well. )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #12: gigantic list of credit card numbers Written By: madd0g )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( A large list of CC #'s that work. you'll have to find your own exp. date. ViSA CARD AMERiCAN EXPRESS DiSCOVERCARD 4311 6158 1843 8518 3706 311274 80741 6011 4615 2714 1418 4371 6013 7757 3611 3702 425454 52583 6011 2238 4051 7785 4732 5700 0287 3163 3777 312446 20303 6011 4423 3224 8820 4727 6410 2628 2108 3717 531176 86787 6011 4423 0130 0024 4403 8178 1430 8237 3700 128872 73230 6011 1221 6147 5666 4203 0641 5561 5761 3775 427267 81400 6011 4461 4184 6286 4878 2025 1012 6678 3742 010403 53502 6011 5721 2547 5311 4576 2102 6386 6031 3743 513527 70064 6011 6015 4327 2602 4682 1235 7647 8702 3768 041373 35163 6011 0004 2774 7211 4674 8853 2473 4533 3766 005053 21482 6011 2228 6545 6366 4030 3270 2880 7462 3723 408404 28627 6011 0241 0752 5713 4182 8131 4810 8747 3782 223468 50740 6011 7246 3524 7520 4644 5014 6160 0075 3765 350258 15581 6011 5881 2076 7635 4422 2274 6717 6245 3785 163741 35704 6011 0832 8035 7682 4212 7863 8542 0526 3755 372344 67510 6011 0426 8154 8877 4584 3452 4057 5857 3785 511403 36260 6011 3324 6010 4038 4370 4677 6516 8070 3768 633730 65702 6011 4254 1427 0853 4210 2016 2667 6102 3752 724572 58673 6011 8031 2685 8381 4633 5447 2271 0013 3788 620136 78617 6011 1136 1132 5825 4285 3512 1712 2014 3707 077354 12068 6011 5837 4707 6700 4860 0653 4864 5544 3720 758010 72481 6011 3431 5807 5687 4843 6883 4268 1785 3758 761283 04458 6011 0857 5573 0715 4043 2825 3362 5021 3736 558280 43653 6011 0677 8812 2383 4012 7217 6868 2360 3777 826263 14130 6011 0645 6434 7300 4841 8052 3071 2546 3767 145723 40752 6011 7175 1248 6286 4507 4111 5558 2280 3776 482165 85332 6011 3546 0147 8501 4076 8776 2205 7026 3761 806247 34048 6011 6378 6274 0720 4305 3315 5662 7688 3777 401041 43504 6011 4285 1121 3248 4440 4578 8112 6074 3712 101002 04656 6011 1727 3163 4045 4103 3874 2235 6815 3715 616182 30884 6011 1541 5527 2676 4531 1782 0142 3336 3761 800672 77422 6011 1047 4263 7477 4374 7826 4088 5235 3752 736518 24062 6011 8325 2226 5115 4747 1725 2154 1315 3745 882861 52022 6011 1683 2648 2634 4788 0145 1766 5833 3745 088776 13133 6011 8517 1508 7383 4038 3862 0077 2532 3777 224274 88121 6011 5222 0353 2566 4182 8008 0871 5762 3775 575171 01014 6011 2615 0533 4641 4081 1522 0777 2156 3726 347774 56175 6011 1201 7423 1654 4566 0062 6560 8724 3778 147472 15563 6011 1821 3567 0826 4684 7076 4066 8484 3773 242257 05705 6011 7446 8858 1633 4336 4885 7385 7426 3735 080706 38565 6011 8610 5088 1274 4571 6418 7784 7030 3770 235370 32812 6011 2421 0078 6658 4057 8788 4385 6587 3745 436217 17278 6011 7704 3462 5606 4401 0714 5728 7603 3773 867157 12848 6011 1601 5324 0706 4583 3871 5843 1021 3750 551568 67765 6011 4010 3551 3005 4254 8442 3852 3100 3774 156808 42536 6011 6713 0782 4567 4212 2832 8758 4468 3787 022230 88084 6011 1102 7733 6567 4553 6183 3442 1361 3744 115361 33157 6011 2167 4112 4461 4148 0101 2637 8805 3707 523061 62254 6011 1306 5155 8883 4506 2401 4416 6280 3701 356642 01114 6011 6008 3184 6077 4604 3008 7344 1220 3771 414248 60887 6011 7637 4268 8457 4154 1503 5370 5022 3706 562180 63577 6011 7005 7772 7505 4114 5432 8320 5247 3706 883746 41250 6011 0078 1227 8777 4347 8113 3157 8512 3737 450512 14772 6011 5021 6548 7132 4456 0414 0162 2217 3780 055441 32726 6011 8511 5734 8343 4373 0812 5750 0752 3747 048747 71640 6011 2744 7364 7746 4228 3342 6257 2481 3782 762773 74856 6011 0368 8358 3641 4415 0314 0285 1816 3776 810462 78802 6011 6304 0213 5402 4728 4406 8045 1144 3718 041415 68457 6011 4160 7036 5400 4072 5438 5222 6053 3723 073580 53576 6011 1834 1247 0237 4305 7686 7443 5785 3758 800767 41265 6011 3278 5421 6455 4884 1671 2862 6058 3703 051675 58662 6011 6733 5786 0582 4024 4676 0171 1786 3738 568608 45811 6011 4602 4808 5532 4471 2411 6520 3375 3754 670187 52780 6011 4603 1247 1642 4663 5678 3658 8234 3710 308234 62468 6011 1737 2563 4603 4667 7427 6117 4401 3788 481508 80660 6011 2688 1530 4735 4506 5203 1143 2478 3724 512317 25560 6011 3283 1355 5053 4478 4460 6842 8887 3735 775750 48018 6011 6214 8254 8481 4405 7018 2166 5870 3764 122664 65346 6011 3811 4631 3661 4826 1054 0383 6183 3743 574507 15646 6011 8786 3260 7118 4622 5816 5802 5514 3771 781176 30557 6011 2508 1353 7433 4308 7865 4068 1207 3711 368577 32674 6011 8703 1246 7764 4238 8444 0483 2583 3743 823674 78633 6011 1382 7361 5304 4337 3431 0386 4831 3764 223817 53831 6011 1736 8476 4375 4263 3477 5434 2128 3776 032735 15060 6011 8036 0670 0624 4280 0783 4526 2850 3735 468255 23401 6011 5367 4084 7832 4703 2770 7417 7052 3772 646101 53212 6011 6000 3354 5535 4546 1377 4863 4774 3777 147662 34158 6011 4077 0641 2526 4854 3180 5206 3687 3758 556468 35623 6011 8083 5803 1326 4035 6437 0237 7332 3745 255217 02468 6011 1553 1747 6485 4354 1406 2108 4076 3741 413186 70221 6011 0266 6226 3127 4614 2663 6307 1017 3765 682441 55448 6011 6577 6464 1032 4040 3238 8762 4443 3761 188726 74565 6011 1437 3702 7187 4730 4834 5656 4522 3762 748457 37557 6011 0102 5242 2558 4245 7872 6680 6206 3717 003458 67614 6011 6024 8676 8606 4618 6008 8766 0028 3713 100208 83116 6011 0370 2142 6644 4464 3517 4511 5400 3771 611553 54470 6011 3526 1730 6773 4774 3471 1185 3835 3738 377840 34203 6011 3323 7034 2728 4565 3055 3375 0800 3741 843833 10448 6011 0860 1544 8668 4462 7610 1120 4237 3744 000205 76286 6011 6013 4002 6110 4425 4218 2037 5662 3760 531367 83607 6011 1413 3382 6473 4782 6026 0604 2777 3722 270742 75404 6011 0247 8261 7462 4447 2566 6725 2424 3733 210473 50656 6011 4020 8161 8615 4788 8568 0582 3502 3737 473441 15071 6011 4412 5644 8382 4700 4522 7546 2230 3728 638377 00807 6011 8250 0318 7618 4200 0827 6128 2357 3726 451223 60607 6011 0336 4060 4513 4215 4480 0526 5701 3752 782773 56803 6011 5475 0051 3738 4605 1862 5840 6170 3726 101540 52506 6011 1807 4444 3007 4023 1610 8825 1637 3733 446180 52253 6011 0363 1070 5056 4746 1306 6773 5464 3784 405352 63208 6011 6636 7755 7356 4031 6126 8083 7173 3752 552271 57218 6011 0763 3241 3875 4336 1668 2441 8046 3764 151241 64753 6011 3851 2028 6207 4652 7675 6066 7104 3768 125227 37661 6011 8444 4405 3487 4371 3767 1130 3641 3774 727776 44838 6011 4164 5261 8046 4446 0470 2400 1518 3713 550722 61687 6011 4053 3175 5574 4717 0125 1674 0181 3703 773336 65242 6011 0863 7000 8065 4777 6645 8100 8535 3738 316580 07668 6011 3604 8301 6467 4032 5076 4363 6754 3768 425372 45517 6011 7415 3176 5207 4064 8583 3810 8422 3726 341823 31617 6011 3322 0403 5407 4841 4422 6244 7856 3762 423140 11465 6011 5872 1842 4281 4517 1407 5168 1554 3721 204018 30811 6011 7874 5561 1653 4526 8156 1204 4337 3711 107071 14813 6011 2437 7033 0843 4674 0571 8664 4032 3713 686062 05864 6011 8237 5417 7870 4837 7613 8330 5461 3742 543347 45784 6011 3685 1205 3666 4528 7530 1383 5862 3750 586485 17055 6011 7723 8622 2564 4516 1736 6671 0268 3712 452023 11264 6011 7652 7530 1861 4785 8208 2211 5782 3721 807386 73821 6011 2446 5580 5321 4641 0547 8472 5420 3765 854530 52777 6011 6222 0068 6223 4873 3181 0412 6364 3777 277743 66101 6011 5452 5142 4154 4222 5421 1787 5265 3747 746468 31170 6011 3387 2344 3667 4201 0555 8612 5554 3772 131865 15221 6011 6627 6747 0686 4781 7063 2632 1477 3787 315318 01664 6011 4165 2775 3448 4747 5530 4732 7646 3763 472084 65881 6011 3312 4842 5764 4447 0665 7474 8533 3776 736121 20732 6011 2205 5080 5368 4556 1373 3367 6385 3702 811752 86184 6011 6863 2167 2677 4152 1655 2451 3230 3781 625634 64256 6011 2405 1133 3276 4631 6884 0647 4701 3780 734667 77811 6011 0348 8042 4752 4628 3662 2082 4253 3774 132643 48772 6011 6016 4437 0412 4157 5232 1720 7475 3712 110404 30674 6011 0570 5006 2367 4855 5415 7434 7218 3722 148448 22608 6011 8444 4054 5023 4812 0127 6631 5027 3735 511448 61532 6011 1602 0840 4802 4414 4847 5870 8117 3760 187737 86577 6011 5275 6028 6656 4650 0432 3473 5376 3713 112838 36718 6011 4856 2553 2541 4886 4662 0357 7147 3735 501302 21461 6011 6800 2517 8073 4442 1333 1665 3465 3751 765438 68785 6011 2757 4323 3621 4325 8536 0226 1275 3774 280687 64065 6011 6534 1073 7258 4458 4132 0823 6715 3702 558440 48258 6011 4627 6145 6652 4447 1363 0177 0520 3706 716145 58575 6011 4670 7172 6223 4214 1161 7845 2833 3770 522637 03148 6011 1516 1771 6183 4025 8110 5722 2088 3781 726162 73240 6011 2427 7112 5186 4827 1163 3547 7854 3713 737352 45450 6011 2800 2331 4588 4035 1375 6804 6701 3753 466330 44387 6011 7781 5536 0311 4063 2172 8621 0220 3750 026264 15544 6011 8813 1103 6252 4455 6602 3221 8720 3745 531443 07614 6011 5342 2886 3348 4018 3327 4505 6225 3752 682357 47318 6011 0156 0018 6482 4012 6768 6686 3546 3717 165412 74488 6011 1201 8402 3141 4726 2064 0440 7635 3763 062065 53551 6011 0228 2546 4645 4728 4381 4450 1736 3704 601018 80258 6011 3620 7633 2061 4420 0013 0047 2588 3782 263304 30153 6011 4665 1506 1767 4873 3747 8851 1223 3711 570352 78034 6011 4412 0081 7302 4341 2845 4402 3146 3753 427603 32513 6011 2267 1045 4708 4846 5326 2532 8077 3716 445447 53177 6011 1312 2473 3482 4070 1106 5805 4477 3702 471646 74474 6011 6555 8172 3512 4502 5306 7111 4727 3777 062424 88085 6011 8802 7062 1567 4673 3073 3580 5542 3760 713378 34680 6011 8723 5600 4628 4150 4141 7787 7274 3738 868653 28844 6011 7586 7387 6816 4586 2645 4017 7488 3707 075300 27202 6011 2124 3646 2886 4352 8636 4705 1678 3782 250514 60787 6011 8086 2243 2342 4183 4611 5441 1081 3787 033264 33581 6011 4058 5027 4726 4666 3633 2482 6063 3767 023422 63388 6011 7132 4352 3828 4070 4135 2577 1053 3718 010165 57615 6011 4837 6558 7805 4353 6501 0174 2002 3727 668744 27806 6011 2074 6541 5128 4578 1048 5301 5620 3750 338446 63631 6011 2378 1004 5874 4052 0560 6702 6444 3740 135541 02864 6011 1837 4038 6683 4737 7264 4566 0378 3726 836505 56445 6011 7426 1535 3076 4803 7026 1853 6561 3718 114140 01082 6011 0171 0506 8314 4700 0116 2731 8464 3764 752346 73408 6011 5410 7248 7835 4262 5185 5017 1330 3758 485412 55013 6011 7307 1384 0623 4056 7174 5168 5063 3754 561104 77743 6011 2755 6556 6884 4233 5117 4864 7564 3786 435687 82727 6011 2616 0340 8172 4238 2223 7555 3001 3753 250837 34606 6011 4615 6121 0608 4060 1856 6545 1728 3733 325724 56073 6011 5171 1215 6812 4830 2173 5017 0880 3716 202217 37154 6011 7176 3516 0263 4467 8870 8160 0312 3737 830336 84648 6011 5186 0823 4881 4514 3321 5640 7130 3771 704678 50687 6011 6756 7671 8714 4708 8800 2441 4015 3752 601051 51838 6011 8627 7204 6733 4025 8664 6750 0846 3784 120682 07175 6011 5123 3087 1326 4365 3552 2526 8605 3731 600616 63234 6011 6446 8227 1688 4256 6620 8856 7060 3723 550445 87200 6011 0217 2777 0174 4113 8356 5865 2057 3771 837864 84351 6011 2540 1425 6041 4784 5205 6117 2322 3723 171022 27327 6011 0376 8233 8443 4433 8740 5570 8173 3785 782640 66308 6011 4816 8450 8332 4367 5521 3853 6304 3706 875510 75332 6011 7371 2406 8132 4040 4138 6747 4057 3731 667278 01555 6011 4021 0530 6742 4441 8458 6270 8630 3726 882552 58248 6011 5815 7351 2533 4415 8006 5130 5157 3783 671848 13522 6011 4482 2542 3644 4513 8582 3035 1747 3768 713055 06057 6011 7485 2673 2548 4206 1138 1446 5642 3762 348533 16363 6011 5452 1607 1355 4561 5181 1426 4025 3747 828778 84487 6011 5427 2878 8386 4420 6260 3458 4603 3713 732156 71654 6011 6675 3178 7208 4273 2050 5140 2714 3704 550322 73102 6011 8306 0320 0084 4310 3146 4485 6777 3713 854524 60286 6011 6042 5721 8506 4445 8867 2055 5835 3765 221414 03260 6011 6825 6318 3515 4674 3261 6352 3802 3771 225787 36867 6011 3664 4771 6811 4828 7433 4650 0207 3727 246322 87103 6011 1207 4136 7304 4663 2224 6318 5520 3777 555885 51550 6011 0588 6408 6345 4845 7185 7022 1414 3772 784102 66032 6011 7046 5871 7005 4442 8520 5004 1450 3711 076651 00032 6011 4888 2165 5041 4786 8254 3357 0365 3702 237687 04488 6011 8214 7737 3636 4423 6676 0554 3138 3748 405600 53438 6011 3040 7673 4672 4025 0662 0270 1375 3722 703734 87148 6011 5034 1230 0524 Remember, carding is illegal, so we hold no responsibility with what you do with these. If you do something stupid, it's your own ass. )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #13: Joining the ANZ team Written By: _jeezus_ )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( So you think you've got what it takes to dig up shit and write articles on what's happening in that h/p/a/c/whatever world today? Then we invite you to join AnarchyNewZealand. Just cruise to our web space at http://surf.tO/AnarchyNZ and click On "Join ANZ", Fill it out, and send it in. We'll reply as soon as possible. If you dont have the internet, then just email me on one of these great BBS's: Gaulish Village (AK, NZ) Why only Gaulish Village? Because its the most reliable not to close down. Now if you're not willing to join but have a juicy article you're wanting to get looked at, email one of us. eXult666@hotmail.com / jeezus_@hotmail.com etc. AnarchyNewZealand is open to international members as well as New Zealand members. ************************************************************************************ ________ ,--'.::::::.`-._ |..::::::::::::..\ |.\\.:::::::-;:::::| |:\:.::::::/ \::::| || `------' _|:::| || `;:::| |' ==== ==== |-::| | ___ ____ |O):| | * | * |/::' | ' |::| . v |:/ | ___ || I wanna join! I wanna join! - -| - \_/ || \ -- _/ | \_____.-' __/-.__ _| _/|::.\.::-._ _,--/:|\_ _/ |.::.|.:::::-._ ************************************************************************************ )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #14: greetz Written By: whole crew )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( mAd greetz: fuck yOu's: gH dalai j0lt arsine EPiC Nightmare spl0it TProphet attrition.org 2600.com Trickz of the Trade [ToT] Links: http://2600.com http://attrition.org http://phear.on.ca http://secureroot.m4d.com http://rootshell.com http://hackers.com http://loop.com/~whizkid/anarchy http://ultimagnum.hypermart.net http://nudehackers.com http://hideaway.net http://hackcity.com http://webfringe.com http://nme403.net http://hacksec.com http://fictitious.net/newszone http://technotronic.com http://pure-security.net http://h4x0rz.4h.com/frame1.html http://neoncrayon.com )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #15: What to look foward to Written By: eXult666 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( What to look foward to in the next edition of ANZ! o A Guide to Social Engineering o MORE cool ASCii's! o madd0g will have his OWN Carding Section with new methods of SE'ing people to give you their Credit Card Numbers! o A List of Auckland UNiX Boxes! o MORE cool links! o You think I'd tell you more? You'll just have to wait and see! )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( ARTICLE #16: last wOrdz Written By: _jeezus_ & eXult666 )+(-----------------------------------------------------------------------)+( "Don't base your life on comments or opinions, if you do, you'll never be able to cope with what is really important." -_jeezus_ To Oliver: No regrets, huh? :) -eXult666 "Knowledge is power, and power is everything." -_jeezus_ The next issue will be out whenever we get off our asses, til then.. don't go and fuck up. Peace from the whole crew. *eXult666 *GoTHiC9 *_jeezuz_ *WERT0r *madd0g ----=============================*[ members ]*============================---- founder eXult666 eXult666@hotmail.com high council madd0g madd0g57@hotmail.com _jeezus_ jeezus@phear.on.ca / jeezus_@hotmail.com members GoTHiC9 Gothic_@hotmail.com WERT0r no_fear50@hotmail.com !#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#! $ $ # Anarchy New Zealand # # Issue #o2 # # August 1999 # # h/p/v/a/c/ # $ $ !#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#! ************************************************************************************************* This Month's Ascii ...----.... ..-:"'' ''"-.. .-' '-. .' . . '. .' . . . . .''. .' . . . . . . . ..:. .' . . . . . . .. . . ....::. .. . . . . . . .. . ....:IA. .: . . . . . . .. . .. .. ....:IA. .: . . .. . . . . .. . ... ....:.:VHA. 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